Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Projection Proposal (in progress)

Projection Location 1: Fire Escape Hallway. Library Left, Third Floor.

- All using campus walkway to access Campus Center.  Heavy traffic during class changes, meal rushes, etc.
- Mostly students, with access to meal plans.  Projections occurring at night will mostly be viewed by younger students, who have access to meal plans, and will be walking to dinner.
- Fellow artists who have attended the event.

Foot Traffic
- Audience will be based heavily upon foot traffic.
- Busy at certain times of day, as location will be viewed from campus walkway primarily.

Lighting Conditions
- Sheltered spot.  Will need to project at night, however.
- Method of projection (reverse projection) will require use of high illumination/low external light conditions.

Social Context
- Located at heart of campus, however, in location often overlooked.
- Will be up high, inaccessible, yet unavoidable.

- Towering, massive. 
- Large windows, split into frames.
- Inaccessible, impressive, will be viewed from below, typically in motion/while walking to destination.

Placement of Projector 
- In space, projector will need to be placed far enough from window to cover the projection space, but also away from the stairs, and in a spot not occupied by stair railing.
- Actual placement to be fine-tuned, based upon type of projector used. (Wide-throw = closer, Reg.-throw, further)

Architectural Elements
- Fire escape hallway in state of disrepair.  Location previously unknown.  Externally, up high, yet internally, easily accessible by stairwell.  Fire escape used only in emergencies, but typically disregarded in regular/normal day-to-day routines.  Piece should reflect an element of this "unknown" theme.
- Windows, the surface of the projection space, will need to be coated/covered in light-absorbing material.  Window configuration themselves are divided into progressively smaller frames, rising from bottom up, creating interesting opportunities for unique composition of actual piece to be projected. 

Projection Location 2: Faculty Lounge. Library, Third Floor.

- Fellow artists
- Students, staff, faculty, visitors, who may be aware of the show
- Location is difficult to discover 

Foot Traffic
- Located next to main campus path
- Heavy foot traffic at certain times of the day

Lighting Conditions
- Interior has controlled lighting
- Exterior is mildly light-polluted by path, building lights

Social Context
- Location is hard to detect, unless the viewer is deliberately searching for it
- Adds effect of surveillance

- Large, yet not overbearing
- Would be reverse projected onto library window

Placement of Projector
- Projector would be placed on counter, behind window, and beam across the room
- Space would be easy to project in: plenty of power outlets
- Minimal keystone would be required 

Architectural Elements
- Window acts as frame
- Frame is split into several regions 
- These regions could display different content, or act as one

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